Concrete - Light Furniture And Modern Furniture From France

September 11, 2016

When adding articles to the beautiful properties of concrete and of them in your home you must have concrete not necessarily walls, stairs, or countersWe provide here some furniture made of concrete by a French designer made, that look nice and at the same time are elaborated from lightweight material.

Concrete Furniture Console Table Tail Light Mirror Copper Glass

Jimmy detour and delay tour Design Lab various pieces of furniture made of concrete, not covered by a unique design and light weight.

Concrete is applied for the legs for this dining table, on the one hand, and on the other side for the connection with the glass. Thus, the concrete is cold or hot dishes can be as a place used to serve on the careless. The design of the table for a minimalist dining room.
Furniture Concrete Copper Recycled Leather Mirror Dresser Books

The moving mirror which is having a useful piece of furniture can have side to look for. The small parcel shelves are another nice addition to the top right and middle left can be found. Concrete combined several materials from this designer furniture. A beautiful contrast with the recycled leather and copper element and the glass used in the manufacture of various types of tables.
The woven star motif copper makes the displayed column of table a special piece of furniture did fits perfectly into the living room. The combination of copper and concrete shows how the opposites attract.
What look like living in a house made of concrete? The answer to this question, which has given designers from France with a point of view, represents a concrete House with its furniture made of concrete.
Furniture Concrete Furniture Collection Mirror Columnar

At first glance, the large Cabinet seems to offer not so much concrete, but with mirror doors open, you can see the. Concrete shelves with their unique design doors made of recycled leather have made similar geometric motifs. as the inner part of the housing and are really stylish
the console has the same design as the dining table with detour and indeed equal to half that is larger. So, it looks nice on a concrete wall.
a round backlit mirror in Council with the console table made of concrete. As an alternative, Jimmy detour has a copper shelf developed, all that for smaller rooms.
Furniture Concrete Dressing Table Mirror Hinged Segment Easily Recycled Leather Copper

A lightweight chest of drawers made of concrete, which can bring a modern interior design in your home and at the same time a useful piece of his furniture. The drawers are perfect for containers and the concrete level book is really great.
With the designer folding a dressing table by a long way is how a star can feel comfortable at home. Includes again the combination of lightweight concrete, copper, recycled leather and the Schiebesegmente comply with the contents of the table in an elegant way the modern concrete furniture.

The French designer of modern interior design with furniture developed from concrete. The material is becoming increasingly popular as a result of the new variants for concrete with a lower weight lately.
Concrete Furniture Cabinet Easily Recycled Copper Leather
Concrete furniture Cabinet easily recycled copper leather jimmy dela tour Designlabor
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